Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
In Today’s episode, Kristian explores the work of Rosabeth Moss Kanter on how great companies think differently.Last weeks episode I wrapped up with the six facets of institutional logic which radically alter leadership and corporate behaviour. These facets underpin the research of Rosabeth Moss Kanter and today we will explore them together in more detail.Instead of being mere money-generating machines, great companies combine financial and social logic to build enduring success.Live with purpose,Kristian LivolsiJoin our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
This week Kristian talks about the difference between a bad and good company and what makes a company great. He explores the areas that he commonly sees being the real underlying causes of success or failure. Stay on to the end and Kristian will let you in on a secret about how great companies think and behave differently!If you're enjoying the show please leave a comment or give us a rating! Live with purpose,Kristian LivolsiJoin our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Today’s episode I discuss the question; What does purpose, crisis, resistance and resilience have in common?I realised the answer to this question only yesterday after my final presentation at ShowUp2020 Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, and I was compelled to bring it all together into this weeks episode.Live with purpose,Kristian LivolsiJoin our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
This week Kristian explores the causes of failure, and why smart people fail!This episode is full of golden nuggets to get you self-reflecting and thinking. This is a very brief masterclass and I know you will love it!Live with purpose, Kristian LivosliJoin our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
This week Kristian focuses on how we deal with fear and gives us a guide to overcoming the fear of failure and start using failure to drive you to succeed.If you are new to the channel I would recommend you go back to last weeks episode on the power of failure and how to fail forward as it gives some background on failure and will help you implement lessons from this weeks episode.Please take a moment to leave a comment so we know you're enjoying the content!Until next week, Live with purposeKristian LivolsiJoin our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
This week on the podcast Kristian talks about something that we all seem to fear, failure. He explains exactly what failure is and shows us how we can use failure to ultimately succeed.Failing forward is a big part of this weeks content as it allows us to look at failure in a positive light, taking each failure as a step toward success.Listen in and take note so you can learn how failure is the secret to success!If you're enjoying the podcast please take a moment to leave a rating or comment. Join our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
This week Kristian talks about courage, looking at what it means in a business sense and how to develop it. “I LEARNED THAT COURAGE WAS NOT THE ABSENCE OF FEAR, BUT THE TRIUMPH OVER IT. THE BRAVE MAN IS NOT HE WHO DOES NOT FEEL AFRAID, BUT HE WHO CONQUERS THAT FEAR.” -NELSON MANDALAKristian talks you through the six attributes of courage so you can get a deeper understanding of what courage is along with the six discrete steps in the process that will help you develop business courage and give you the edge in decision making. If you are enjoying please take a moment to give us a review. Live with purpose,Kristian LivolsiJoin our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
This week Kristian Livolsi talks about goal setting, why goals matter, where people commonly go wrong in their goal settings and he shares a couple of secrets he's learned along his business journey. If you are new to the podcast we would advise going back to last weeks episode; Who are you? An insight into purpose, leadership and bravery as it may support today’s episode on goals.If you are looking for someone to assist you in this process we are always happy to book a discovery call to uncover the problem you are facing and see if we might be a good fit to assist you. https://calendly.com/businessgrowthmindset/covid-19Live with purpose,Kristian LivolsiJoin our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
This week Kristian Livolsi talks about purpose, leadership and bravery, taking a deep dive into what you purpose is, why you should find it and how it will change your life, personally and professionally. Drawing on experiences and sharing some very personal moments Kristian unpacks his own purpose to help our listeners understand how they too can do the same. Join our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
This week Kristian Livolsi talks about change. He takes us through the common challenges and reasons for resistance you will face and gives helpful and actionable steps to take to tackle them. During this turbulent time, we will all be facing a degree of change in both our personal land business lives so tune in and take note so you have a better understanding of what change means and how you can better manage it. Until next week,stay safe, be kind and live with purpose.Join our Facebook Group: An Extraordinary Life